Aaron Deitsch, F.S.A.
Pension Consultant and Actuary

Pension Plan Services We Provide

I. Pension Plan Services For Employers

  1. Pension Plan Consulting and Design-Installing a pension plan or improving an existing plan.
  2. Pension Plan Administration.
  3. Temporary Pension or Benefit Services-Assisting in setting up a benefit system or department or helping to cleanup a backlog.
  4. Outsourcing of the Pension/Benefits function.
  5. Special Services/Projects.
  6. Pension Plan Review.

II. Pension Plan Services For Other Professionals

  1. For Accounting Firms

III. Pension Plan Services For Individuals

  1. Assisting in retirement planning.
  2. Analysis of a participant's account in his Employer's pension plan.

IV. Actuarial Services

If you have a pension plan problem that you would like addressed, call Mr. Deitsch at 718-793-9885 or send a description of it on the short form below and we will try to provide you with possible solutions, without obligation:

Company's Name:
Phone number:
My problem is:

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